Friday, January 15, 2016

Phor Than Lek Wat Ariyakiri

Phor Than Lek Wat Ariyakiri
Phra Khru Viriyasangvon (Than Khru Lek) or Phor Than Lek was born in kampung Aril Kelantan Malaysia on 28th Dec 1895, former named of the district was called as Bechah Mulong now as district of Peringat. Than Lek parents are originated and migrated from Thailand, Kampung Chekong Changwad Narathiwat. Few years after his marriage, he left his family to enter monkhood, and in age 22 (1917) he became a Bhikku (monk) in Wat Khau Din (Wat Ariyakiri) Kampung Bukit Tanah, Tumpat. He learnt Buddhist law from Ajahn Rak and his Buddhist name was Thammesara. After 5 years, he went to Wat Chan Nakhon Si Thammarat Thai (Ligor). In Wat Chan he had learnt from Phra Khru Kha Serm and also others. After one year he back to Wat Aril Kelantan. He learnt "Samadhi" skill from Achan Kev ( LP Q ), and he went "Chuddong" alone in the deep forest for about 6 months. Then, he returned to Wat Aril and became Chief Abbot, because that time Than Seng permanant stay in Throk Bon. 6th Mac 1975 Thursday 0815 morning, Phra Khru Lek passed away after abbot Wat Aril for 50yrs. The cremation held on 19th May 1978.

帕库威利亚桑沃(昙库叻)或婆昙叻于1895年12月28日在马来西亚吉兰丹州出生,此地区以前被称为Bechah Mulong,现在则叫做Peringat。婆昙叻的父母来自泰国那拉提瓦府的Changwad Chekong村。师傅婚后几年就离开了他的家人成为僧侣,并于22岁(1917年)在Wat Khau Din(瓦阿丽亚旗里佛寺)Kampung Bukit Tanah,Tumpat出家成僧。师傅从阿姜洛处学会了佛法,并取名法号为Thammesara。5年后,他去了Wat Chan Nakhon Si Thammarat Thai(Ligor),并向帕库Kha Serm以及其他师傅学法。一年后他回到瓦阿丽亚旗里佛寺。随后他向阿姜Kev(龙婆Q)学习禅学。师傅还独自一人到深山去修行6个月。之后,他又回到寺庙并担任住持。1975年3月6日,星期四上午8点15分,师傅圆寂了。师傅在寺庙当了50年的住持。 1978年5月19日举行火葬。

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